When testing I am not testing if my content is scary enough or if my visualisation is right, since I am the artists and my content is my representation of the Applecave Nightmare. But what I do want to test is what content would be the most suitable for this platform (according to their opinion). So what I want to test:

Before pitching concept:
- What would you do when you see this QR code/ poster?
- What do you think when you open the the QR code?

After pitching concept:
- Why is this platform appealing for you?
- Why is this platform not appealing for you?
- Do you know any more artworks from the BKOR that would fit in this concept aswel?

- What content is the most appealing for you, when you would like to buy a nightmare?
- Would you be triggered to make content yourself? Why is(n't) that?

Platform --> just let them use the platform afterwards I want to know these questions:
- What do you think of the navigation through the platform?
- What do you think of the layout and colors?
- What can be added to the platform?
- What can be removed of the platform?

What: What do they think when they see/ open it and what do they think of the attractiveness of platform.
Which: Text and the first prototypes of the platform
Where: Digital
Who: The gathered people that are enjoying their own nightmares and get inspired by them.
How: By text, pictures and recordings

What: Which content is the most appealing and are they triggered to join the concept?
Which: The photographs made by me about my visualisation of the Applecave Nightmare.
Where: Digital
Who: The gathered people that are enjoying their own nightmares and get inspired by them.
How: By text, pictures and recordings

What: What they think of the platform.
Which: The second prototypes of the platform (based on the outcomes of test 1)
Where: In real life, near the art work and at school.
Who: Passengers & the gathered people that are enjoying their own nightmares and get inspired by them.
How: By film, recording and text.
so that is when I started with making prototype that was closing to the end result, and I made a plan that was fully based on the protoype I did made. The test plan for that prototype you see on the right. This plan contains specific questions based on the first draft, instead of staying in the 'vague' and 'open question' mode, I used 'closed' questions and asked the testers to explain.
After a meeting with Maytall during the DD week, I realised that this plan was not accurate
Testing plan
First prototype
By changing the unclear parts of the website imediatly the tests with other persons after were more usefull because they could go through the website without those difficulties. The results of a easy navigation can also be seen in the answers from the testpersons.
So after one test I realised that the
navigation was a bit hard for the
user, that is why I imediatly changed those aspects.
Since my target group is very specific: people who are liking nightmares, liking the thrill or getting inspired by them for the art that they make. I had to look online for the specific usergroup.

I posted on social media channels that I was busy testing a project and if there were people who are interested in joining the testing part. The critics to participate where:
You need to or
- Enjoy your nightmares
- Get inspired by your nightmares
- Make art about your nightmares

A few people where in my surrounding so I could film them while testing. The other persons (that I contacted online via E-mail and Whatsapp) I asked to take a close look at the website and answer the questions afterwards.
Test result #1
Conclusion test #1:
• Too much (long) text(s)

• Navigation not clear

• Link to BKOR (website) not clear
Second prototype
In the second prototype I used the same navigation but made the buttons and external links more visable. Also I made the texts a bit shorter (by using bullot points as well). And I added two more buttons on the page of 'The Applecave Nightmare'.
Conclusion test #2:
Test result #2
• What is the price?

• Too much text and a bit too small

• Website is teasing enough to actual buy the nightmare

• Do grammar check & rewrite parts

• Remove white outline photographs

• A bit more mystery

• Navigation is clear

• 'Share a nightmare' is not necessary and not clear
End result of interface
Conclusion test #3:
• Teaser is intrueging

• Website is teasing enough to actual buy the nightmare

• The text about buying the nightmare is not working, rewrite.

• Navigation is clear

• Two other nightmares is not clear enough.
Test result #3
Test result #4
Test result #5
Conclusion test #4:
Conclusion test #5:
First 30 seconds can be skipped
• Teaser is intrueging

• Website is teasing enough to actual buy the nightmare

• The text about buying the nightmare is not working, rewrite.

• Possibility of buying the nightmare is not clear in the beginning

• Navigation is clear

• Make buttons a bit clearer by different font
• Teaser did make look further, interst was minimum

• Website is teasing enough to actual buy the nightmare

• Enticing to do puzzle while being chased (the actual nightmare that you buy)

• Why and what are the results to gain after buying the nightmare?

• Link to BKOR artworks bit vague

• Navigation is clear

• Curious to the performance (actual nightmare)

• Inconvenience for buyer (time and place)

• Target group finds the interface and its content teasing enough to buy the nightmare

• Some text need to be rewritten and do an overall grammar check

• Navigation is clear

• There should be a bit more contrast for the buttons and text (by using typo, movement, blocks, etc.)

• Link to BKOR is clear

• Give the actual nightmare concept a bit more thinking and finalize it

• Price is missing


for process

for process

for process
So concluded results testing I changed and here you can find the end result with all those aspects taken into account